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Useful Risk Management Information
Robert J. Marshburn, CRM, CIC, ARM, CRIS, CISC, CCIP
Founder & CEO | Certified Risk Managers LLC
We have gained a National reputation as Experts, Consultants, and Educators specializing in providing solutions related to Risk Management issues including Contractual Risk Analysis and Transfer, Coverage Analysis, Coverage Compliance Verification©, Wrap Policy Dangers, Construction Defects, and other issues. Following is information regarding some of these and other cost saving matters—
Information, Consulting, and Workshops for many Insurance & Risk Management issues, including:
Contracts as a Tool in Managing Risk—Managing and transferring Risk through the use of Contracts.
Construction Defect Issues—Identifying & Managing the Risks associated with Construction Defect issues.
Wrap Policy Dangers—Managing risks and potential dangers associated with Wraps (OCIPs, CCIPS, etc).
Additional Insured Endorsements—Differences in the forms and edition dates and how to use them.
The Myth of "Following Form" Excess Insurance Policies—With higher limits required, do not be fooled by Excess Policies that are not true following form!
Contracts, Indemnity, & Insurance Coverage—Types and scope of Indemnity liability transferable in Contracts and whether or not it's covered by Insurance.
What Does the CGL Policy Really Cover?—A manuscript analysis of the CGL policy and its coverage, including exclusions, exceptions, and endorsements.
A Contractor's Journey through CGL Policy Coverage—A step by step analysis of the CGL Policy as it relates to policy Coverage for Construction.
--Many other workshops and training can be designed and customized for your specific needs...
Revised Additional Insured &
Insured Contract forms—07 04
ISO Coverage and Endorsement forms—10 01 Edition date. ISO introduces separate forms for “your ongoing operations” and "completed operations" liability; exclusions for portions of “your work” liability; and preventing coverage for known Injury or Damage. Links to copies of the forms.
SB800—An analysis of California's "Right to Repair" Construction Defect law that will no doubt affect other states.
If you would like information on how our Consulting Services can help you with a personalized program to protect your bottom line in these changing areas, please contact us.
Our Proprietary Automated Insurance Verification® Risk Management System has Enhanced Verification Provisions that helps Automatically Develop, Verify, Expose, Correct, and Activate Coverage Compliance with your Contract Insurance Coverage Requirements.
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Automated Insurance Verification® is a Registered Trademark with the US Patent Office for our Proprietary Automated Insurance Coverage Compliance Verification System
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